When purchasing insurance, many people have treated this similar to other basic life purchases such as getting groceries from your local grocery store, furniture from your local big box store or family owned furniture store, or a car from your local car dealership.
This has been a way that salespeople have made their mark on communities by being seen and finding new ways to either benefit from their everyday hobbies and translating those activities into meeting new prospective clients like you and me. As technology has evolved salespeople have had to evolve to compete with what was a new phenomenon of online business.
Your traditional insurance agent on the corner office has thrived for decades by providing the personal service and personal connection to your community that keeps you from shopping moving your insurance business.
The traditional insurance agent has been able to know your community and able to work with a few different carriers to shop your coverage and make sure the policy you are with is the best fit. They often provide a personal touch and provide the ability to call and speak with a real person instead of an answering machine, which most insurance carriers have even to get a simple question answered.
There is no question there are many online operations just quoting the state minimum coverage and price only factor policies like Geico, but there are a lot more options out there.
Online insurance agencies are something we are seeing people open up to more. Many of these online agencies can provide the same, or better service, service than your traditional agencies and much more.
With online-based agencies like The Insurance Shop, you get the personal touch of having a real person over on the phone, Agents are able to match you with an insurance carrier whose policy has the best fit available. Our agents are always in the office and available to help customers.
Our national workers compensation, general liability, and other commercial programs enable us to contract with now over 30 different insurance carriers directly (as opposed to maybe 5 or 6 for many agencies).
This means that your policy is being compared to and shopped with more carriers to ensure the best possible rates on all lines of insurance. The coverage you obtain from online agencies can provide the same level of service and coverage as what your local agent has provided for years but with more competition brings lower premium and better coverage.
Consider a high quality online agency the next time you shop business insurance for your next commercial insurance policy.