ToolBox Talks

Why Toolbox Talks are Important to You Business
Toolbox Talks are informal safety meetings designed to help keep your company’s safety procedures, rules regarding equipment, personal protective equipment, job assignments and expectations on the forefront of your employees minds. This type of meeting can be short and used often to reinforce formal safety meetings or training programs. This helps to potentially avoid cutting corners to get a job done more quickly due to not taking the time to walk back to the truck and get safety glasses, gloves, etc.  Constantly reminding your staff about safety can help you, as a business owner, save money on premium dollars over the course of many years.  It only takes one big claim or many small claims due to not being safe to drive up premium which can effect the growth of your company, or worse, result in having to lay someone off due to the fact insurance keeps going up. Safety is and always should be a proactive approach instead of a reactive one.

Below is a quick example of a format for a Toolbox Talk: – Focus on one subject per talk – Choose a subject that involves your group on hand – Avoid vague statements.

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